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Build your list by searching a product name, brand, description, or barcode. Once we’ve found what you’re looking for, add the item to your list for future use, or to your cart for immediate purchase.
To quickly add items to your list, use our free app to Grab your favorite products. Simply scan the products and as you scan, we’ll automatically add them to your list. Once you’re done, tap 'My List' to view all the items in your list.
From your List, view product details, share with friends, and add to your Cart to get your favorite products delivered right to your door for the best deal possible.
Running low on your favorite products? Tap items in your List to add them to your Cart. Then, ShopGenius™ calculates the best deal on your entire order.
Once you authorize this maximum price, our trusted merchants compete to try and beat that price, often resulting in even bigger savings for you! Adding more items adds more trusted merchants to the competition, and more competition means lower prices.
Want free shipping? Most merchants offer free shipping on orders of $25 or more. We’ll flag any items that will increase shipping costs, and let you know how to become eligible for free shipping on those items.
There are no order forms to fill out every time you NetPlenish. Our "No Checkout Checkout"™ safely stores your account information, allowing you to place your order with just one tap.
You’ll receive an email announcing the winning merchant(s) and final low price. Then, in just two to five business days, the items in your cart are delivered to your front door. Enjoy!